Digitally sign on touch-screen or with TAN(SMS)

Long time a 'digital signature' ment only signing with the electronic identity card.

Today this concept has changed into 'signing in a different way than on paper'.

To be valid as alternative method of signing the following points are important (during the signing process):

  1. Is the identity of the signer known?
  2. Is there an intention to sign?
  3. Can the integrity of the document be guaranteed after signing?

The Betrust Secure Signing Platform can meet all these criteria.

Even if, for example, a document is signed on a touch screen (smartphone, tablet) or with the aid of a so-called code TAN via SMS.

Your benefits ...

  1. No need to send out e-mails yourself.
  2. Integrated into the Betrust Secure Signing Platform (BSSP).
  3. All events are stored in the audit log for future reference.